Nos vins du Gard : des vins d’exception, fruits de notre magnifique terroir

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Our wines of the Gard: exceptional wines, fruits of our magnificent terroir

Our wines of the Gard are the fruit of a land of history, of beautifully exposed vines and, above all, of a passionate family, with a know-how dating back to several generations.

Through wine, it is also the personalities and richness of a whole terroir that express and share. Thus, the wines of the Domaine de L'Aqueduc are all steeped in history and endowed with a unique identity with strong character. It is essential to preserve this heritage and ensure that the land remains intact and healthy. Thus, our field is transformed with reasoned principles since it has been in conversion to organic agriculture for several years. Respecting our land is also about respecting future generations, those who will inherit it and continue to cultivate it.

The care given to the vines as to the cellar (manual picking and sorting, partly manual harvesting, green harvest, mechanical grinding...) by the passionate winemakers of the Vidal family give the wines their high quality.

Our winery, located just 5 minutes from the beautiful city of Uzès and its duchy, opens its doors all year round, including holidays. Shipments are possible in metropolitan France and abroad, and free of charge from 300 euros for France.

Extend the experience!

All year, discover the events of our winery, our seasonal offers, our rental farm in the heart of the vineyards...

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